It has been a (insert cliche of challenge here).

DRY ICE Tools is a new company, and like all new companies, we've experienced some growing pains.  The challenge of running a small company that’s centered around a popular boutique product with specialty parts that are difficult to source can be overwhelming.  Add to that the frustration of miscommunication from suppliers, poor quality control in parts of the supply chain over which you have no control, cancelled or simply forgotten orders for parts, the heavy costs of R&D and the financial risks therein… The list goes on.  It culminates in an intense desire to succumb to the fear and self-loathing that builds from all those single disappointing events.

But at Furnace Industries we did not give in.  We stepped up and accepted the challenge, because—as a wise counselor advised us when we were in the thick of it—this is what success looks like.

So after a long, difficult climb, it is with great excitement that DRY ICE Tools are now available with new redesigned straps made of new material, stronger than any other indoor tool in the world.  We went back to the core idea of what DRY ICE was about and reinvented it.  To demonstrate our commitment to our customers, every single one of our previous customers will receive the new straps.

And we did not stop there!  We are also extremely excited about the upcoming DRY ICE Holds.  Designed by expert climbing hold designer with just the right amount of counter-cultural influence, Jason Kehl of So ill Climbing Holds, our line of DRY ICE Holds are specifically designed for use with DRY ICE Tools and will be introduced by the end of 2013.

AND, if you thought it was impossible to get excited about tape (in fact, it is!), we are very pleased to offer DRY ICE Route Marking Tape for route setters to help them set a DRY ICE Route in their gyms.  DRY ICE Tape is available now in our Store.

Thanks for being part of the DRY ICE experience!  We are a very small company (it's just us 2 guys!) with very big goals.  Everyone, with positive (and negative) feedback has helped bring DRY ICE to this new dawn, and we hope you'll join us by welcoming the rising run. 

Climb Safe,

Ben Carlson, Co-Founder

George Fisher, Co-Founder