Patagonia, that company with the cleanest conscience around, now carries DRY ICE Tools.  If you’re in the area, stop in, buy some tools and any other climbing gear you may need, and check out the astounding Fall 2014 product line from Patagonia.


At Furnace Industries, we are committed to promoting dry tooling, ice, and mixed climbing while educating climbers to conserve the climbing environment.  Furance Industries' and Patagonia's mission statements are closely aligned and a partnership simply makes sense. We are extremely proud to be able to call Patagonia a dealer of DRY ICE Tools. We have forever been and will continue to be massive fans of their brand. (We almost fell out of our harnesses when they asked if they could carry our tools!)

The winter climbing season will be here before you know it!  If you can't make it down to Patagonia on 14th St. in NYC, pickup your DRY ICE Tools or ICICLES right here, right now!


Massive thanks to Mara Burns (, for her involvement in setting up this partnership.